Professional Custom Accounting papers: How does it make minority employees feel to be considered more for the color of their skin than their accomplishments?How would you feel in the same situation?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: How does it make minority employees feel to be considered more for the color of their skin than their accomplishments?How would you feel in the same situation?

White is considered the default race, and thus “invisible”.

Minority employees are asked to explain the actions of their peers.

In non-work settings, minorities are treated as dangerous.

Minorities who hire other minorities are seen as having an agenda.

Minority employees are seen as less capable.

Minority employees often feel that their bosses do not believe in them.

Minorities are feared because they may take legal recourse to poor reviews or termination.

Minorities are assumed to be lower-level employees.

It is difficult for minorities to trust white managers. (and vice-versa?)

How does it make minority employees feel to be considered more for the color of their skin than their accomplishments?How would you feel in the same situation?

What solutions does the article propose that are helping to bridge the gap?

Cross-racial communication to educate both groups

Learning circles with diverse members

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