Professional Custom Accounting papers: Globally Optimized Operations

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Globally Optimized Operations

Traits of Academic Writing:  Referring back to the traits of academic writing identified by Thonney in the forum for week 4 (and pasted in below), write a paragraph reflecting on how you tried to ensure your paper reflected those traits.

In her recent in Teaching English in the Two Year College, Teresa Thonney outlines six standard features of academic writing:

Writers respond to what others have said about their topic.

Writers state the value of their work and announce the plan for their papers.

Writers acknowledge that others might disagree with the position they’ve taken.

Writers adopt a voice of authority.

Writers use academic and discipline specific vocabulary.

Writers emphasize evidence, often in tables, graphs, and images. (348)

In your responses to others, offer your views of their conclusions as well as their reflections about the traits of academic writing.

Posting Instructions

Your initial post is due no later than 11:55 pm ET Thursday and should be between 250 and 300 words; you

Transportation Logistics Management


Globally Optimized Operations

International Logistics

Forum –  You may pick out one topic or several topics to discuss.    Each week the initial post will include a reflection and conclude with a question for the other students to ponder.

To be considered substantive, your reply should add significantly to the discussion by building on others’ comments, pointing out similarities or differences in your backgrounds or course expectations, etc.  One or two sentence responses such as “Hi, welcome to the course!” or “I feel the same way” are not acceptable.

Instructions:  Your initial post should be at least 250 words.

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