Professional Custom Accounting papers: Explain the Supreme Court’s decision, its implications for the expansion of slavery, and how it limited black equality in the United States?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Explain the Supreme Court’s decision, its implications for the expansion of slavery, and how it limited black equality in the United States?

How did the Dred Scott decision impact African Americans?

Explain the Supreme Court’s decision, its implications for the expansion of slavery, and how it limited black equality in the United States?

1. The Dred Scott ruling alarmed white and black abolitionists, blacks, and white northerners alike. For white northerners, even those who did not believe blacks were their equals, the decision was more evidence of a Slave Power conspiracy to undermine free white labor. Blacks were enraged by the Dred Scott decision; the Court had confirmed that they were not citizens, even though they were free. Black leaders such as Frederick Douglass and Robert Purvis blasted the decision; Douglass called the ruling “judicial wolfishness.”

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