Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Explain the relationship between congressional incumbency and positive and negative congregations.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Explain the relationship between congressional incumbency and positive and negative congregations.

Explain the relationship between congressional incumbency and positive and negative congregations.

 Term limits would definitely make incumbency much more fair for those campaigning and for those trying to become a part of Congress for the first time. Term limits would ensure that not one person is able to serve for too long of a time and allow new people to run for Congress.”

Now respond and comment to what you believe (agree or disagree) and on a student’s personal response to both of the questions above. Have explanation.

Congressional incumbency can bring both positive and negative congregations. For the positive congregation, congressional incumbency can retain a popular congressman in power and help block any rookies, if possible. This basically shows that there are more experienced and skilled workers in the Congress. For the negative congregation, it can cause a result of a poor, unfair congressman remaining still in the Congress longer than needed, which is adds a huge disadvantage for the Congress and the people he represents.


2. Term limits can help reduce the liability of the congressional incumbency. Even though a poorly simple leader may manage their position for a couple years, it would be impossibly difficult for them to provoke the Congress for a longer time. This would also restrict the power of any Congressmen, just as same as the term limits provide for the presidency. This would also allow many various selection of applicant’s chances to take charge of the office and create fresher, new ideas to the Congress.”

4. a. Select one interest group to research.

b. Evaluate the influence of the group.

c. What tactics does the group use to get their message across?

d. Do interest groups narrowly focus on their own agenda or promote public interest?

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