Professional Custom Accounting papers: Explain the reasons for this and analyze what strategy had he already established in lieu of the rise of global instability at that time.

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Explain the reasons for this and analyze what strategy had he already established in lieu of the rise of global instability at that time.

Why did FDR establish a bank holiday? For what purpose did this serve the American public, or is it perceived as a hindrance to businesses and personal needs of the nation’s


2. What does the president say to reassure faith in the banking system to the public? To which citizens, considering politics and social/economic motivators, would he appear the more convincing? Who might his critiques be? Explain.

3 . Examining the second source, consider and evaluate the president’s words when discussing his justification for the Public Works Project: “Demoralization caused by vast unemployment is our greatest extravagance.” In relation to his address to the American public, what issues does he try to address and how does he intend to defend his economic policies against accusations of fiscal and material waste? What accusations does he make against his conservative critiques? Evaluate his response, are the dangers he presents to the public realistic given the state of the economy at that time? Explain.

4. After reading the State of the Union Address from January, 1941, what crisis, according to FDR, most threatened the security of the nation? From what you have read from the text, how popular were his words to Congress? Explain the reasons for this and analyze what strategy had he already established in lieu of the rise of global instability at that time.

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