Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Explain in detail  why it is important for a business to use social media specially for marketing and advertising, don’t forget citing?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Explain in detail  why it is important for a business to use social media specially for marketing and advertising, don’t forget citing?

Please answers in form two or more paragraphs and in detail the discussion questions of following chapters with citing the textbook or other research sites that you used for it:

Chapter 10, assignment: Discussion questions 1,2,3,4,5, pg296)

Chapter 11 (assignment :Discussion questions 5-1,2,3,4,5, pg326)

Chapter 12, (assignment: Discussion questions 1,2,3,4,5 pg359)

One discussion



Explain in detail  why it is important for a business to use social media specially for marketing and advertising, don’t forget citing?

15 business questions and one discussion

William M. Pride Texas A&M University

Robert J. Hughes Dallas County Community Colleges

Foundations of Business

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Foundations of Business, Fifth Edition William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, and Jack R. Kapoor

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Student Edition ISBN: 978-1-305-51106-4

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