Professional Custom Accounting papers: Expand on why these concepts seem to apply, using enough detail to indicate your understanding of these principles.

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Expand on why these concepts seem to apply, using enough detail to indicate your understanding of these principles.

consider a common object you encounter in your daily life. This can be an object in your home, a billboard or building you pass in your daily routine, a calendar or statue in a colleague’s office, an advertisement, a piece of jewelry—the choices are endless. Consider this object again within the context of the design principles you have encountered thus far in the course.

Describe the object within a larger cultural context: To accomplish this, identify and describe the object of interest in a detailed paragraph. Is this a common object in contemporary American culture? What connections between culture and the object can be made?

Identify underlying values that shape your personal reaction to the object: To accomplish this, identify what properties of this object appeal to your senses, whether negatively or positively. Is your response primarily emotional or based on more objective elements?

Identify how scholarly concepts relate to artistic expression: To accomplish this, discuss how the concepts or principles of design you have encountered in the course best apply regarding this object. Expand on why these concepts seem to apply, using enough detail to indicate your understanding of these principles.

Analyze the object using aesthetic judgments to generalize social reactions: How does this change your perception of this object, if it does? If not, why not? Do you think your perception of this object is shared in larger society? Why or why not?

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