Professional Custom Accounting papers: Examine Wellington’s actions in battle and his traits of leadership and compare them to today’s leaders.

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Examine Wellington’s actions in battle and his traits of leadership and compare them to today’s leaders.

Wellington’s leadership abilities were many. Perhaps his courage under fire and always setting an example as the consummate warrior for his soldiers were the qualities that placed him in the chronicles of history as one of the maverick military leaders of all times.

Wellington’s extensive use of defensive tactics will forever make him an original. It was through his leadership skills and his traits of visualizing the battlefield like no other general that he could defeat the enemy on his own terms. In this activity you are asked to describe a current military operation in which your selected leader parallels Wellington’s leadership abilities.

The module outcomes addressed in this activity are:

Describe and critique Wellington’s leadership influence as viewed through his preferred tactic (defensive operations). (CO #1 & 2)

• Examine Wellington’s actions in battle and his traits of leadership and compare them to today’s leaders. (CO #3)

Refer to pages 194-195 of attachment and provide a 1000-word essay (APA), analyzing Wellington’s leadership actions and traits during the battle against the Maratha Forces. Also, describe any military operation in which Condoleezza Rice parallels Wellington’s leadership abilities.

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