Professional Custom Accounting papers: Examine how firms can use social IT in alignment with organizational strategy and IS strategy.
- Compare and contrast the DYB and GYB strategies in terms of the ability to sustain a business in the marketplace over the long term, to be competitive against rivals, and profitability.
- Examine the “cannibalization” strategy and determine if it is or is not a better strategy compared to the DYB strategy for growth, competitiveness, and market leadership. Provide two business examples.
- Determine whether or not changes in business strategy should entail reassessment of IS. Provide three reasons to support your position.
- Examine how firms can use social IT in alignment with organizational strategy and IS strategy. Consider collaborative capabilities; and what, how, and who should use social IT for a social business strategy.
- Use at three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
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