Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Do you “care” about the personal life of a politician that represents you in the government or not? Fully explain your answer.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Do you “care” about the personal life of a politician that represents you in the government or not? Fully explain your answer.

A major topic today in politics is the personal lives of the politicians that represent you. Some people care deeply about the personal lives of their politicians and may choose to vote or not vote for a candidate that has had controversy in their personal life. Others “do not care” what politicians do in their personal lives and only want to focus on their records in their professional life. What do you think? Do you “care” about the personal life of a politician that represents you in the government or not? Fully explain your answer.

The Mass Media in Texas Politics

Which form of media do you think is the most influential when it comes to voters today? Fully explain.

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