Professional Custom Accounting Papers: discuss what you hope to find out about the client and the client’s role in the assessment.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: discuss what you hope to find out about the client and the client’s role in the assessment.

Tests Date:          Time Spent:

Interview Date:          Time Spent:

Name of Assessment (competency to stand trial, substance abuse, not guilty by reason of insanity, or mental health evaluation).

In this section, briefly introduce the main purpose of the evaluation.

Reason for Referral

In this section, discuss the reason this case or individual was referred to you. Also, discuss what you hope to find out about the client and the client’s role in the assessment. The points you make here will be the guides to what interview format and psychological tests you choose and what type of report you will prepare, (recommendations to the court or attorney, competency findings, or treatment recommendations). The interview data, test data, findings, and recommendations will relate to the referral question.

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