Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Discuss the three theories of American Democracy on who rules: Pluralism, Elitism, and Hyper pluralism. Which theory do you think makes the most sense?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Discuss the three theories of American Democracy on who rules: Pluralism, Elitism, and Hyper pluralism. Which theory do you think makes the most sense?

National Gov

Answer each question with between 100 and 150 words. No plagiarism will be accepted

Chapter 1

1. Discuss the three theories of American Democracy on who rules: Pluralism, Elitism, and Hyper pluralism. Which theory do you think makes the most sense?

2. Many argue that there is a culture war in this country between the Left and the Right. Do you agree with Bill O’Reilly? Is there a culture war in the United States?

Chapter 2

Part one of the video :

1. According to Part I of the video, what are the most important words in the U.S. Constitution? Explain why?

2. Discuss the separation of powers in the constitution.

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