Professional Custom Accounting papers: Discuss the significance of the source within the context of American history.

Analyze the primary source that is at the end of the directions.  You must contextualize the source by relating it to specific themes, trends, people, concepts, laws, events, acts of resistance, and/or ideologies that you have learned from the course material (ranging from chapters 15 to 18).  You do not need to use material from all the 4 chapters but you do need to judiciously synthesize the information you use.  Thus, contextualizing the source with accurate examples is important.

In addition, remember to explain your arguments and examples.  DO NOT assume I know what you are talking about.  Furthermore, you are required to discuss the significance of the source within the context of American history.  You must also format your response in a narrative (essay style) structure (do not list your responses).  Be sure to use in-text citations when applicable.  Finally, be sure to write out your response on a word document (doc or docx) and then upload it. There is no page minimum or maximum but you are expected to write a comprehensive essay.  You should take that information into account to decide how many pages you write. Do not use outside material.  Only the course materials (textbook, clips, music, etc.) should be used. Points will be reduced if you do not follow all of the instructions.

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