Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Discuss the environment, trends, influences, challenges, current trends 

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Discuss the environment, trends, influences, challenges, current trends 


Written Assignment 1
(25 points) 4 pages or more, not including cover or References pages

Locate an article describing a collective bargaining situation that has arisen within the past two years. This article should be from a newspaper, an academic journal, or a credible online news source. Use a minimum of two additional references to support your discussion and to respond to the questions in the assignment.

a. Using APA guidelines, state the proper citation for the article.

b. State the nature of the collective bargaining dispute.

c. What are the underlying causes of the dispute?

d. What economic or ethical pressures has each side attempted to use to prevail in the dispute?

e. If there is any evidence of any illegal or unethical conduct on either side, describe it in detail.

f. Was the dispute resolved? If so, how?

g. What, if any, role was played by third parties in resolving this bargaining dispute? What was the identity of the third party?

h. In retrospect, could this dispute have been resolved in a more constructive fashion? If so, how?


Criteria 1

Exceeds Expectations
5 points

Meets Expectations
4 points

Meets Some Expectations
3 points

Does Not Meet Expectations
2 points

Not Included
0 points

Addresses nature of the collective bargaining dispute and the underlying causes of the dispute.

Discusses the environment, trends, influences, challenges, current trends

Effectively addresses the nature of the collective bargaining dispute and the underlying causes of the dispute.

Discusses the environment, trends, influences, challenges, current trends.

Addresses the nature of the collective bargaining dispute and the underlying causes of the dispute although not as comprehensively as it should be.

Discusses the environment, trends, influences, challenges, current trends; however, makes some indistinct or incomplete connections regarding relevance and workplace connections.

Identifies some of the key issues of the nature of the collective bargaining dispute and some of the underlying causes of the dispute.

Some elements of the article are missing or inappropriately identified.

Doesn’t identify at least the nature of the collective bargaining dispute and the underlying causes of the dispute.

The topic is loosely connected; linkages not made; fails to identify relevance.

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