Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Discuss the clues you observed that may indicate the values and deep underlying assumptions of the people involved. 

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Discuss the clues you observed that may indicate the values and deep underlying assumptions of the people involved.

Reflect on the best, most rewarding experience that you have ever had as part of a team. Maybe this experience was in your work organization, a military unit, athletic team, rock band, choir, symphony, theater troupe, volunteer organization, church, or any other team that provided a rewarding experience for you.

Use the socio-cognitive systems learning model to inform your discussion. Incorporate at least four library resources to support the ideas you present in your reflection.

These sources may be drawn from the unit readings or from other sources in the Waldorf Online Library. You should cite these four sources. Provide an introduction to the reflection paper, and also include the following elements in your reflection. In your paper, please use headings that correspond to the elements below.

Team Experience

Describe this team experience. What made this team so special? What was your role on the team? Why was this experience rewarding for you?

Team Values

What did the team value? Give specific examples. How did you know that these were the team’s values? Discuss the clues you observed that may indicate the values and deep underlying assumptions of the people involved.

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