Professional Custom Accounting papers: Diabetes: CDC-Recognized Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Change Programs.   

  • Professional Custom Accounting papers: Diabetes: CDC-Recognized Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Change Programs.

Prompt: Define your selected public health issue:

Diabetes: CDC-Recognized Diabetes Prevention Lifestyle Change Programs.

Address the following: 1,Provide a brief overview of the public health issue you wish to address.  2,Identify the impact on the community. (Be sure to include incidence rates and demographic populations.)  3,How does the public health issue represent a gap or disparity in access, quality, or delivery of healthcare?  4,How do social determinants impact the issue? Be sure to justify your reasoning.

Guidelines for Submission: Your journal assignment should address all of the critical elements listed below. It should be approximately 1 to 3 paragraphs in length, using double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. If any direct reference is made to material from the readings or any other resources, use APA citation styling. Paper run through Turnitin app.

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