Professional Custom Accounting papers: Developments in the Late 19th Century American College and University

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Developments in the Late 19th Century American College and University

Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

The Birth and Growth of Inter- Collegiate Athletic Competition

• Crew • Baseball • Track and Field • The decline of in

loco parentis • Status congruence

and peer matching

Stroke! – the Harvard crew trains for the regatta, 1869

Developments in the Late 19th Century American College and University

• The New Undergraduate Curriculum

• The Graduate Degree • The Specialized

Professional School • Science, Research • Educational Specialization

and the Cultivation of Expertise

• The Modern Multi-versity Charles Eliot invites you to design your own education

Developments in the Late 19th Century Daily Newspaper

• The NYC circulation wars

• Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst

• The daily newspaper as multifaceted info- tainment medium

• Remember those skyscrapers?

The Emergence of American Football

• The Rule • The Big Game • Regimentation and

training • “Order and Chaos,

Work and Play” • “Versions of


“Left end and left half-back follow behind runner and push him”

The Amateur Sport Professional

• Walter Camp, “Father of American Football”

• Managerial values • Camp vs. Caspar Whitney • From student-run to

supervised • College sport is amateur,

but its values are professionalized

• The Football Coach: “amateur sport” professionalWalter Camp at the

Yale fence, 1870s

The Game That Sweeps The Nation

• Compensatory physicality and the strenuous life

• Peer matching • Sport as standard

equipment on the American campus

• Class appeal, or mass appeal?

Amos Alonzo Stagg, Amateur Sport Professional

  • The Birth and Growth of Inter-Collegiate Athletic Competition
  • Slide Number 2
  • Developments in the Late 19th Century American College and University
  • Developments in the Late 19th Century Daily Newspaper
  • The Emergence of American Football
  • The Amateur Sport Professional
  • The Game That Sweeps The Nation
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