Professional Custom Accounting papers: Describe at two to three intended results/outcomes of the intervention.

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Describe at two to three intended results/outcomes of the intervention.

Unit VII Assessment

A description of a possible intervention to change an environment-related health behavior. The health behavior selected is use of bottled water. Explain how you might apply Social Cognitive Theory in the environment health topic (use of bottled water). Describe at two to three intended results/outcomes of the intervention.

Unit VII Search through the investigation reports on the U.S. Chemical Safety Board website ( and select one that you find interesting. Be sure the report has enough detail for you to be able to complete the assignment. Prepare a case study that includes the following elements:  a summary of the incident,  identification of five Process Safety Management elements that were likely deficient and may have contributed to the incident (Include evidence from the investigation report to support the selection of each deficient element.),  proposed corrective actions for each of the deficient elements (Discuss how your proposed actions will help to prevent a recurrence.), and  summary and conclusions. Your response should be a minimum of four pages in length, double-spaced. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations, and cited per APA guidelines. Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below

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