Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Define and explain what is meant by desirable and undesirable turnover

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Define and explain what is meant by desirable and undesirable turnover

1. Define and explain what is meant by desirable and undesirable turnover

2. List retention strategies and explain in detail what makes them effective.

3. While direct supervisors and managers are primarily responsible for addressing employee retention issues..

What vital resources do human resources personnel provide to support managers in addressing these issues?

Workforce Retention and Transition

Recruiting, Retention and Reduction in Force

Heather Keever, SPHR


• Nothing in this presentation should be relied upon as legal advice. The presenter is not an attorney and the information provided is not legal advice.

• The information provided here is generic and may not apply to every situation.

• Please refer to applicable laws, statutes and regulations.

Employee Recruitment

Employer Brand

• Your reputation as an employer.

Company Culture

Employee Benefits

Employee Value


Work Environment

Recruitment and

Selection Strategies

Compensation strategy development or changes

Improved job advertisements

Identification of new recruiting sources

Interviewing skills training

Job analysis to accurately identify needed knowledge, skills and abilities

Job redesign

Employee incentives (flexible schedules, bonus opportunities, development opportunities, etc.)


Employee referral programs

Improved Job Advertisements

Explain your organization’s mission and how the position being advertised contributes to that mission.

Realistically describe duties.

Identify special requirements (travel, working weekends, etc.)

Improved Job Advertisements

Include information that will entice applicants

Continuing education or development opportunities

Desirable work location

Available perks

Flexible scheduling

Unique benefits

Onsite daycare

Employee Incentives

Flexible Schedules

Bonus Opportunities

Development Opportunities


Unique Recruiting Sources

South Carolina Department of

Employment and Workforce

South Carolina Department of

Employment and Workforce

South Carolina Department of

Vocational Rehabilitation

South Carolina Department of

Vocational Rehabilitation

South Carolina Commission for

the Blind

South Carolina Commission for

the Blind

Military (former military and


Military (former military and


Transitional Programs (Post

Release Programs)

Transitional Programs (Post

Release Programs)

High SchoolsHigh Schools Technical SchoolsTechnical Schools Employee Referrals Employee Referrals InternshipsInternships

Niche or targeted job boards

Niche or targeted job boards

Social MediaSocial Media


• Recruit early.

• Build relationships with colleges and universities. Including technical colleges.

• Offer meaningful work assignments.

• Assign a mentor.

• Communicate – before, during and after the internship.

Retaining Employees

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Desirable v. Undesirable Turnover

• Desirable Turnover: When poor or marginal performers leave an organization and can be replaced with strong performers or when new employees are hired who bring new ideas into the organization.

• Undesirable Turnover: When high performers leave an organization.

Identifying Retention Issues

• Employee Satisfaction Surveys • Leave Pattern Analysis • Review of Internal Complaints • Employee Performance Reviews • Stay Interviews • Exit Interviews • Others?

Why Do Employees


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