Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Country Analysis: Research Proposal

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Country Analysis: Research Proposal

Unit 1 Project: International Finance

Unit I Course Project

Country Analysis: Research Proposal

Utilizing CSU Online Library, select and research any U.S. business. Then, go to to research and select a country for international expansion of business operations.

Prepare a Word document of the general background information regarding the country selected (e.g., location, size, and brief timeline of the main historical events and relevant exchange rate arrangements of the country, with more emphasis on recent events).

In a minimum of 500 words, be sure to include the following:

1. historical timeline of the country’s background, developments, and significant events;

2. location;

3. size; and

4. other descriptive event information.

Use your textbook plus an additional 3 sources as references to support your submission. All paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Please note: This assignment (Country Analysis) will continue throughout the term. Therefore, it may be helpful to read through the assignment requirements for the remaining units before beginning.


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Please Please Please no Plagiarism

Please Use Proper and Correct citations.  APA formatting and complete accurate citations


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