Professional Custom Accounting Papers: consult the NOHS ethical standards and the ethical decision-making model

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: consult the NOHS ethical standards and the ethical decision-making model

To become more familiar with the local Native American population with whom he will be working, a human service professional decides to become a participant-observer in the community. He spends a week with the community at their retreat center. Part of their ritual is to smoke marijuana during their meditation times. Following the week at the center, he reports them to the local law enforcement agency for the illegal use of drugs.

For this Discussion, you examine this professional’s decisions and evaluate whether his decisions were ethical, professional, and/or legal.

To Prepare:

Post an explanation of whether you think the professional’s behavior was ethical. Was it professional? Legal? Be specific and provide justifications to support your position(s). Use the Learning Resources to support your post.

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