- Professional Custom Accounting papers: Communication in Organizations
Discussion 1
Communication in Organizations says that the “primary goal of organizational development is to enhance organizational effectiveness (Kreps, 2011). Simply put, the goal of organizational development is to make the organization work better. I am in the Army, (it is the one job I have ever had so sorry for all of the boring Army stories) and things change constantly. Since I have joined, we have changed combat uniforms three times, physical training uniforms twice, and our dress uniform once although I have heard rumors that there is another prototype in the works. We have changed the way we do PT in the morning, in fact is it now called PRT. The Army song has changed, the operating system I use for Supply has changed. Can I say that all of these changes have made things better? Of course not, but what would have made them easier to accept is if the reason why things needed to be changed was communicated in the first place. I think that failure to communicate is the number one barrier to effective organizational development. At the end of the day, when the people up top want to change something, they are going to do it regardless of how their employees feel. But helping those employees understand why the change needs to occur in the first place could make those same employees more willing participants in the change.