Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Canvas -The triple layered business model canvas

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Canvas -The triple layered business model canvas

 Canvas plus 1000 word analysis (plus or minus 10%) 

For this assessment, you will develop the business model of your business idea in the format of a Lean canvas.

In preparation for this assessment, elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

  • The triple layered business model canvas
  • A tool to design more sustainable business models
  • Capture your business model in 20 minutes

You have recognised an opportunity in the market for a new entrepreneurial venture. You need to choose between the following:

You are in the early stage of the new venture (i.e. you have not generated significant sales) and as per the Lean Startup methodology you are experimenting with how you will address the opportunity. You are to develop a canvas to take a snapshot of your current thinking about implementing your business idea so you can communicate your idea. As a result, you need to write a report supporting your canvas.

Your canvas should be displayed on a one-pager as per the template provided. To help you develop the canvas you will need to review the relevant sections of the academic journal article by Joyce and Paquin (2016) and the video on lean canvas by Ash Maurya (2013)

Please note that the article from Joyce and Paquin focuses on business model canvas but the same theories apply to the lean canvas since they have the same origin.

In the report supporting your canvas you should:

  • Briefly introduce your business idea in the introduction (less than 100 words).
  • Then in the first part, you will need to explain the theory behind the canvas by discussing the difference between a business plan and a business canvas.
  • In the second and final part of your report, you will need to explain and justify briefly each key element of your canvas.
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