Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Bureaucratic agency that oversees the policy implementation of that issue

.Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Bureaucratic agency that oversees the policy implementation of that issue

Research  INS vs. Chahda at, including discussion-based arguments, summary and facts of case.  Describe the method of oversight used here and the implications of the Chadha decision on the bureaucratic process.

Research one issue: Find the three parts of that issue’s Iron Triangle. You may want to use the PAC you used in an earlier assignment. If you are having trouble looking for an issue you may want to research from the point of view of the Governmental Department. Looking at the organization of a Department may help you think of an issue. You should research actual names of PACs, committees, and agencies within the bureaucratic departments. Give as many details as you can. DO NOT USE EXAMPLE AS ANSWER.

*Include one paragraph explaining why this group is an Iron Triangle.

Find information about PACs at  Federal Election Commission.

Here are the three parts of the triangle.

1. PAC

2. Member(s) of Congress

3. Bureaucratic agency that oversees the policy implementation of that issue

Example issue: Defense

· Defense contractor PACs

· The Senate Armed Forces Committee—Name members if you can

· The Department of Defense

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