Professional Custom Accounting papers: Bio-Terrorism Paper

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Bio-Terrorism Paper

Bio-Terrorism Paper

Clearly, there is growing public awareness of the threat of bioterrorism, and there is great concern among medical and public health professionals for preparedness. You will be required to write a research paper on a related to bioterrorism and public health preparedness. The research paper should be at least 10 pages, not counting the title page, abstract, and bibliography. You must use the PBHE426 Research Template and the American Psychological Association (APA) style guide for your writing and citations.

You must have a demonstrable thesis as the last sentence of your introductory paragraph, and you must prove or demonstrate this thesis throughout the paper. Use factual information, backing up your views and opinions. First person is not allowed in formal writing and papers.

Your assignment will automatically will be submitted to Turnitin when submit your assignment. Please wait 15 minute for Turntin to generate a report. Go back to your assignment and you will see a similarity number. The goal is to be 20% or less. If you are over your paper will be carefully reviewed to check for plagiarism. If you need to make adjustment please edit and resubmit but do not delete your first submission otherwise it will come back at 100 percent (THIS MUST BE DONE BEFORE THE DUE DATE

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