Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Assignment 2: Literature/Information Sources Search and Plan Submission-Hispanic Women in Leadership roles in New Mexico Politics  

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Assignment 2: Literature/Information Sources Search and Plan Submission-Hispanic Women in Leadership roles in New Mexico Politics

Hispanic Women in Leadership roles in New Mexico Politics

Assignment 2: Literature/Information Sources Search and Plan Submission

Search of Literature/Information Sources

Begin a literature/information source search of your topic to identify the background of the problem and uncover gaps in prior research and/or applied solutions. Your search of scholarly sources and other relevant published works will aid in narrowing the focus and scope of your investigation, providing a foundation for your research that advances the current knowledge on the topic and/or solves a problem of practice.


1.  Are Hispanic women underrepresented in New Mexico leadership roles? Also another problem; are Hispanic women in New Mexico being passed over from committee leadership roles in the New Mexico Legislature?

Purpose of Statement:

The study would accomplish if Hispanic women in New Mexico politics are being passed over not only in the legislature but in any leadership role committee within the  House of State Representatives.

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