Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Apply the Plan-Do-Check-Act framework to resolve a safety deficiency.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Apply the Plan-Do-Check-Act framework to resolve a safety deficiency.


Unit VII Essay

Standard Operating Guideline Paper

Background Information:

You have just been promoted to the rank of lieutenant (or bureau manager if serving in the private sector) and have been appointed to the Fire Prevention Bureau/Office as the new supervisor/leader. Your predecessor held the position for many years and had his or her own way of keeping, storing, and maintaining fire prevention records. You soon discover that records are in total disarray and very few records are properly stored, nor have the volumes of the records been properly maintained and protected from the environment in which they were stored.

You have a bureau crew of four other employees who have had little involvement in the handling of records and you plan to change that.


The purpose of this essay is for you to apply the concepts and information you have learned in this unit about the

position of a Fire Prevention Officer/Manager. This assignment provides you with the opportunity to use your skills, expertise, and experience to enrich your response when compiling data that will be used for risk reduction within the community. You will compose a standard operating guideline (SOG) that should address the following components:

provide an introduction into what this SOP is designed to accomplish along with the Mission Statement for this Division.

proper recording of bureau/office inspections, incidents, testing, re-testing, and re-inspections;

proper storage of all records gathered by the bureau/office; and

proper maintenance of all stored records for the required amount of time as set-forth by local, state, and/or federal rules and regulations.

Unit VI Essay

In this unit, you have learned about reducing risks through safety design. For this assignment, you will further explore that topic. Compose an essay in which you summarize the fundamentals of the safety design review process, systems safety, and prevention by design. In your essay, you should address the following issues:

Describe the safety design review process.

Explain the role and importance of safety in a safety management system.

Discuss how these concepts inter-relate with the safety management systems approach.

Unit V Article Review

In the CSU Online Library go to the ABI/Inform Collection database and perform a publication search for “professional safety.” This should take you to a page where you can perform a search from within the publication itself. Perform an additional search within the publication using “return on investment” as a search term

Unit IV Project

Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Project

Be sure to read all of the instructions. There are two documents to be prepared and submitted.

1. Following steps 1-11 of the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Guide in the course textbook (pp. 171-174), develop a risk assessment for a serious workplace hazard with which you are familiar, or use Addendum D to

Chapter 11 (pp. 202-206) to help you select a hazard. Evaluate the hazard and its associated risks, and then complete the Hazard Analysis and Risk Analysis Project form (click here to access this form). To complete the Initial

Risk Assessment and Post Control Risk Assessment sections, use the following codes based on the Risk Assessment Matrix in Table 11.10 (p. 180) of the textbook:


1 – Catastrophic

2 – Critical

3 – Marginal

4 – Negligible

PROBABILITY (Likelihood of Occurrence):

A – Frequent

B – Probable

C – Occasional

D – Remote

E – Improbable


H – High

S – Serious

M – Medium

L – Low

All sections of the form must be completed. Note that the “Post Control Risk Assessment Measures” section reflects

the risk assessment AFTER applying the additional control measures.

Unit III Scholarly Activity

You were recently hired as an Occupational Safety and Health consultant for Gemstone Fabricators, which is a medium sized manufacturing facility that makes stainless steel counters, containers, and carts for the food prep and restaurant industries. Several years ago, Gemstone decided it wanted to become an OSHA VPP site. It also wants to send the application to OSHA in the upcoming year. Further, there is a keen interest to align with the ANSI/AIHA Z10 standard. In going through the application submission materials, you noticed something that threw up a red flag, however. Although there was an accountability requirement specified in front-line workers’ performance evaluation documentation for safety performance, there was no such requirement in the performance evaluation documentation for supervisors, managers, or

executives. Your discussions with employees also suggest that, although the employer wants the front-line workers to be heavily involved in the safety effort, they are not always sure exactly what they are supposed to be doing to help move the company’s safety programs forward. Another issue that concerns you is that the effort to implement a safety and health management systems approach appears to be somewhat piecemeal. You are finding it difficult to identify a clear Plan-Do-Check-Act approach to continuous improvement.

Please compose a two-page document for your client to include your evaluation of these deficiencies along with an explanation of the significance of these problems in relation to the safety and health management systems approach. Your goal is to help the employer understand why these issues need to be attended to prior to submitting your application. In your response, be sure to do the following things:

Include an introduction that establishes the issues and provides necessary background information.

Assess the importance of establishing safety accountability measures for managers, employees, and safety professionals.

Appraise the assignment of safety-related job tasks.

Apply the Plan-Do-Check-Act framework to resolve a safety deficiency.

Unit II

Instructions: OSHA’s personal protective equipment (PPE) standard requires employers to assess the workplace to determine if hazards are present, which may necessitate the use of PPE. Based on the assessment, appropriate PPE must be selected and provided to affected employees. Using Subpart I Appendix B as a guide, develop a hazard assessment for your workplace or a workplace with which you are familiar. If you work in an office, or if you work in another non-hazardous location, develop an assessment for an imagined industrial shop such as woodworking or metalworking. Use the other sections of Subpart I to help determine the appropriate PPE for each hazard. You can also use online safety equipment catalogs to find examples of PPE that meet the OSHA requirements.

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