Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Apple

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Apple


Apple disclosed that it slowed down the speed of old version phones to compensate the decay battery life in 2017; however, customers seemed not satisfy with this excuse, instead, they believed Apple slowed down their phones so that they will buy the new IPHONEX which would cost them more than $1000. This could be a very interesting case that can help us to exploit business ethics, especially when company has to decide either to maximize profits or customers’ utility.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

Firstly, I would like to analysis the parties or stakeholders get involved in this event and how their life or business were influenced. In addition, what is the competing and contested interest among them. Then, express my standpoints and judgement based on my moral code and vision. Secondly, researching the incentive behind this behavior to figure out whether Apple has struggling in increasing the revenue on their new leased version or not. Besides, I would like to exam if its action being taken has already deviated from value and moral code of Apple. Thirdly, standing on position of customer and community to view this problem, and the options Apple should have taken in their eyes. Last but not least, I try to bring a key question to the table: should those high technical company increase their transparence, for example, disclose the impacts on products when software and hardware change or upgrade? Because the demand for customers to know them keep increasing recently when customers start to realize companies my act against their best interests.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

In the end of the paper, I will offer my recommendation for company to in the similar situation. In a way that can preserve core value and competent of company.

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