Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Appendix Table 2 Patient Satisfaction, by Insurer, Same Day of Appointment, Prescription Coverage and Level of Co-pay

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: Appendix Table 2 Patient Satisfaction, by Insurer, Same Day of Appointment, Prescription Coverage and Level of Co-pay



· 2-1 Your organization collects data on individual patients shown in  Appendix Table 2 . Identify whether each variable is measured nominally, ordinally, or as an interval/ratio variable.

· 2-2 What statistical measures would you use to summarize the variable for age? What about for gender? For convenience satisfaction? How would you present these graphically?

· 2-3 If you are interested in whether satisfaction scoring differed by the amount the individual paid as a co-pay, how would you state this inquiry as testable hypotheses (the null and alternative)? What statistical test would you run to test this hypothesis?

Appendix Table 2 Patient Satisfaction, by Insurer, Same Day of Appointment, Prescription Coverage and Level of Co-pay

Gender Age Convenience Satisfaction Insurer Same day appointment? Rx coverage Co-pay ($)
 M 22 5 Select Y Y 15
 M 24 4 Select Y N 15
F 45 5 Select Y Y 10
F 38 5 Select Y Y 10
F 48 3 Select Y N 10
F 50 4 Select Y Y 20
 M 67 4 Medicare Y Y  5
F 23 5 Tri-state N Y 10
F 19 5 Tri-state N Y 15
 M 14 3 Tri-state Y Y 20
F 27 5 Reliant Y N 15
 M 33 3 Reliant N N  0
F 39 4 Reliant N N  5
F 47 4 Tri-state N Y  5
 M 42 5 Tri-state N N  5
 M 31 5 Reliant N N 15
 M 20 4 Reliant N Y 15
F 72 5 Medicare Y Y 15
F 44 4 Tri-state N N 20
 M 45 5 Select Y N 20
F 60 3 Reliant Y Y 20
 M 63 5 Tri-state Y Y  5
F 27 5 Tri-state Y Y  5
 M 68 5 Medicare N Y  5
F 33 5 Reliant N Y 10
F 38 3 Reliant N Y 15
F 55 4 Medicare N Y 15
 M 51 5 Select Y Y 15
F 48 4 Tri-state Y Y 20
 M 49 5 Tri-state Y Y  0
 M 55 5 Select N Y  5
F 61 4 Reliant Y N  0
F 23 5 Medicare Y N  0
 M 69 5 Medicare N Y 20
F 41 4 Tri-state Y N  5
F 14 4 Medicare Y N  0
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