Professional Custom Accounting Papers: AP Government Questions and FRQ help-A. Discuss third parties and the challenges they face in winning elections. In your discussion, explain three reasons third parties have difficulty in our political system.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: AP Government Questions and FRQ help-A. Discuss third parties and the challenges they face in winning elections. In your discussion, explain three reasons third parties have difficulty in our political system.

I have two FRQ’s and few questions that need to be completed. Depending on the question, have most of your answers be 5 sentences in length. For the FRQ have 5-6 sentences.

AP Government Questions and FRQ help

For the FRQ have 1-2 sentences for each question.

Free-Response Question One

A. Discuss third parties and the challenges they face in winning elections. In your discussion, explain three reasons third parties have difficulty in our political system.

B. Identify one third party candidate who received a significant number of popular votes but no electoral votes.

C. Identify one third party candidate who received significant popular and electoral votes

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