Professional Custom Accounting Papers: AP Government Questions and FRQ help

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: AP Government Questions and FRQ help

AP Government Questions and FRQ help

Answers need to be 4-5 sentences in length with detailed explanation.

Tracking Legislation: Go to the website.

Select an issue you would like to research. Type your issue name or related terms into the search text box and select the search button. The site will search all bills to see which ones include your search term. Select one that concerns your issue in the current year. Look at the status of the bill. Note if there are any issue groups interested in this bill.


Answer the following questions thoroughly using the workfile provided in Part 1. The answers you provide, as always, should be your original work.

1. What is the title of the bill?

2. What is the bill about, in general?

3. What is the status of the bill? (Is in still in committee? Did it become law?)

4. What Congress member sponsored the bill?

5. How do you feel about the bill?

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