Professional Custom Accounting papers: Analysis and Interpersonal Improvement Plan

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Analysis and Interpersonal Improvement Plan

Analysis and Interpersonal Improvement Plan

M3A2 Create an Action Plan for Your Goals Worksheet

Use this worksheet to organize your responses to Module 3, Assignment 2. Submit this worksheet in the Module 3: Assignment 2 Dropbox no later than Day 7 of Module 3. Include vocabulary and concepts from your readings to support and illustrate your own insights. In preparation for the papers you’ll write later in this course, take the time to organize your thoughts for each question and write clearly. The completed worksheet should be no more than three pages.

1. Write the personal goal that you identified in Module 1 Assignment 3. For this goal, come up with a minimum of three intermediate goals. Then, describe at least two action items for each intermediate goal.

Personal goal: self-satisfaction and clarity

· Intermediate Goal 1: To be happy

· Action item 1: Identifying the joy draining factors in my life and work towards changing and improving them.

· Action item 2: practicing gratitude in my life by focusing on my blessings and being thankful for them rather than what is missing from my life. Daily focus on my blessings will help me be self-satisfied and begin my journey of achieving personal happiness.

· Intermediate Goal 2: Relieve stress

· Action item 1: Enroll in a physical work out sessions to help in relieving the stress that I experience from working for other people.

· Action item 2: Ensure that I take a short break from work every two hours while reviewing my career goals monthly to help me stay in line with them.

· Intermediate Goal 3: To achieve clarity in communication

· Action item 1: To get constant feedback from my audience to ensure that they understand my message to them. To remember to be less ambiguous in speech and focus on my direct message.

· Action item 2: contribute to drafting and giving presentations actively to ensure that I improve my communication skills and achieve clarity.

2. Write the academic goal that you identified in Module 1 Assignment 3. For this goal, come up with a minimum of three intermediate goals. Then, describe at least two action items for each intermediate goal.

Academic goal: obtain my degree

· Intermediate Goal 1: Improve on time management

· Action item 1: create a daily To-Do list which will assist me in evaluating my daily tasks while assigning the task to a specific schedule. I will include time to study, attend class and even relax in my schedule. This will help me in time management and move through my academic journey efficiently.

· Action item 2: limit the sources of distraction such as social media, music, noise among others during my school activity schedule according to created plan and to-do list. This will give me maximum concentration and reduce the time spent on the activities and help me achieve my degree in a shorter time.

· Intermediate Goal 2: work on being more organized

· Action item 1: make use of a planner and a calendar to chart my assignments and tests.

· Action item 2: Review my planner each night before going to bed to help me become more organized the following day.

· Intermediate Goal 3: make confident choices on my courses each semester

· Action item 1: Each semester, I will analyze my degree requirements and select the courses that best fit my interests and needs.

· Action item 2: Register each semester for my classes. I will ensure that I register as early as possible and be sure to have a backup plan in case my course selections are unavailable.

3. Write the professional goal that you identified in Module 1 Assignment 3. For this goal, come up with a minimum of three intermediate goals. Then, describe at least two action items for each intermediate goal.

Professional goal: Building and operating a fortune 500 company

· Intermediate Goal 1: improve on managing and interpersonal skills

· Action item 1: setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely goals in every area of my life. This will improve my management skills as early as now so that I will make an excellent leader and manager of my future company.

· Action item 2: For my interpersonal skills, I will participate in meetings and interact with many people as possible from various backgrounds. This will help expose me to different audiences and will improve my confidence and communication skills. I will also learn to keep eye contact while addressing my audience.

· Intermediate Goal 2: improve decision making skills

· Action item 1: equip myself with decision making techniques such as benefit-cost analysis, input-output analysis, systems analysis, relation and correlation analysis, linear programming, economic analysis, forecasting and modeling among other techniques.

· Action item 2: practice open dialogue as early as now with those involved in making decisions in my various aspects of life. This will prepare me in running my future company.

· Intermediate Goal 3: embracing every opportunity like a breakthrough

· Action item 1: believing in every opportunity that presents itself and treating it like a breakthrough. This will not only make me value every opportunity but will give me chances of improving and growing the company.

· Action item 2: Go out of my way and look for investors for my company and convince them to invest in my company. This will ensure that my company grows and expands in terms of size and performance.

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Interpersonal Effectiveness

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