Professional Custom Accounting Papers: address why culture is important in communication. How does your culture affect your communication with others in the workplace?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: address why culture is important in communication. How does your culture affect your communication with others in the workplace?


Share these cultural pieces with us in this Discussion. 

I am a 31 year old female from Providence Rhode Island, I am a traveler that currently resides in Jonesboro GA. That would fit me into the yankee turned ATLien culture. A new cultural wave on the rise, since Georgia is considered the new little Hollywood. My cultural pieces include Christian, although I was raised catholic. I made my first communion, had a baptism, and went to catechism. My race is African American, Italian, and Native American. Blackfoot Indian tribe to be precise. Do to my multi ethic mixes I am a lite skinned person. In the south I am considered a red-boned; and in the north I am considered a yellow-bone. Either way I am considered some color bone in Crayola’s rolodex. A chef, journalist, and public speaker among others makes up my professional cultural group. One culture I identify with is the nightclub life, Because I used to be an exotic dancer for several years. That is definitely a culture all its own. My hobbies are vast to say the least (Kreps,2011). I am an avid yacht lover. My family has had yachts ever since I was 6 years old, so it is a huge part of me. I love to watch tv especially reality tv, paranormal hunting, and educational programs. I am a huge housewives fan. Actually, I hope to be the host of a reunion show.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

Also, address why culture is important in communication. How does your culture affect your communication with others in the workplace?

Culture is a vital part communication. It allows co-workers to look past the cultural norms they are accustom to. Sometimes we are so engulfed in our own lives and lessons we cannot see another person’s point of view. By individuals of other cultures getting together we can be enlightened on new and innovative ways to turn the business around. It helps people come together in situations they thought would never be possible.Elaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

My cultural differences taught me to embrace change. It opened my eyes to others way of life. You can understand the people in your community better (Ferris et al, 2018). You can gain more cliental because you can speak to individuals of cultures you never expected to. My business has increased sine I started meeting people from other cultures at various occupations that has allowed me to find and bridge gaps that I never thought I wouldElaborate and discuss these statements in a detailed form.

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