Professional Custom Accounting Papers: 5. What would you consider the key factor for success in the (chosen profession/position/Job)?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: 5. What would you consider the key factor for success in the (chosen profession/position/Job)?

Interview Summary. Submit a three-page summary of the interviews you conducted. Your summary should focus on the lessons learned from those you interviewed in regards to the profession/position/job that you want to pursue.

Link to job specifics 

3 page summary

Interview Summary. Submit a two-three-page summary of the interviews you conducted. Your summary should focus on the lessons learned from those you interviewed in regards to the profession/position/job that you want to pursue.

Link to job specifics

Person 1

Interview Questions for Professional Development Plan

The following five questions are a starting point for your Professional Development Plan interview. Please ask these five questions then develop at least five more questions regarding your chosen profession/position/job that you will ask when you conduct your interview with a person who has knowledge of your chosen profession/position/job.


1. Can you please provide to me an overall description of (chosen profession/position/Job)?

Responsible for approximately 8,216 Soldiers in the rank of SGT, 11B MOS; manages MOS requirements to meet Army readiness according to current manning guidance; prepares draft responses to personnel actions and reviews them for accuracy; coordinates Married Army Couples Program (MACP) personnel actions for joint assignments; coordinates Exceptional Family Members Program (EFMP) actions; validates Soldiers’ qualification through EDAS and the Soldier Assignment Module (SAM); reviews the Army Training Requirements and Resource System (ATRRS) for professional military education requirements; checks Advance List of Oversea-Returnee for Reassignment (AOR) for Continental United States (CONUS) assignments; ensures that all telephonic or written inquiries from Soldiers, commanders, and human resource managers are answered in a timely manner; responsible for coordination with the Professional Development NCO as necessary to support career enhancing assignments for Soldiers.

2. What would you consider the major responsibilities of this (chosen profession/position/Job)?

Responsible for the career development of Active Duty Military Personnel. Subject matter expert for retirements/separations, promotions, and assignments. Identified the impact of changes on distribution policies and procedures affecting installations and subordinate organizations. Responsible for assigning Soldiers worldwide; manages the distribution and strengths of 38 Brigade Combat Teams and supporting installations to meet the Army Chief of Staff Manning Guidance. Created, validated and filled requisitions based on authorized, assigned, and projected strengths at the aggregate and installation level. Responsible for technical guidance on a wide variety of Military Human Resource Programs to include strength management, unit readiness, and personnel management. Provided comprehensive guidance to Soldiers and Commanders within the Career Management Field and the Human Resource Command. Uses the Soldier Assignment Module and Deployment Synchronization to ensure proper utilization of the Army Force. Responsible for managing assignments ensuring career progression, the needs of the Soldier and proper strength balance within the Army. Reviews and analyzes records for assignments and processes necessary waivers for the upcoming assignments. Serves as the Branch’s primary point of contact for selecting and processing Recruiter packets. Responsible for selecting and processing 34% of the Army’s Recruiters.

3. What would you consider the greatest challenge of this (chosen profession/position/Job)?

To be honest, Getting your foot in the Door.

4. What are the specific skills or competencies needed for this (chosen profession/position/Job)?

Being familiar with the Army’s processes, procedures and writing style. Computer Skills, Typing skills, communication skills, customer service skills, being loyal, honest and reliable. Speaking the truth and not promising things we cannot deliver on.

5. What would you consider the key factor for success in the (chosen profession/position/Job)?

-Fill valid open requisitions, when available inventory exists;

-Place eligible OCONUS Soldiers on assignment 6-9 months from DEROS;

-When missioned to provide nominations for special duty assignment (e.g., Drill Sergeant, AIT PSG, Recruiter, EO NCO, etc.), fully meet the suspense and requirement for 100% DA Direct fills IAW ACMG.

-Execute assignments IAW AEA Term Dates with specificity toward Compassionate assignments to ensure Soldiers are on AI within 6 months of AEA stabilization end date.

Success for this objective is the accomplishment of minimum percentages by ACMG Categories based on distributable inventory. Assessment: <90% = 1 Rating, 90-95% = 3 Rating, 96-100% = 5 Rating.

-Have no Soldier on Manual Hold (Total Days on the Same Requisition) for longer than 60 days (subject to EFMP or other extenuating circumstances);

-Soldier deleted by Weekly Non-Avail where the employee took no action to resolve

-Soldier deleted by AVR where the employee took no action to resolve;

-Employee caused RQPCSTE Errors.

6. Is there room for promotion? On average how long would it take?

There is plenty of room for promotions.

7. What are the Technology requirements needed for (chosen profession/position/Job)?

ATRRS, EDAS, PERNET, TOOLKIT, IPERMS, eMILPO, Web EDAS, Solider assignment Modules, Microsoft works.

8. If you had another job outside of your current job, what would you say are the advantages or dis-advantages of either job?

Advantage of GS position: You are already familiar with duties and responsibility, working with personnel that you relate to and have things in common with.

9. When interviewing for a newly posted job what suggestions do you have?

Read up on the positon you are apply for and do research to gain as much knowledge as you can. Also do rehearsals for the interview, this will ensure that you are prepared and you will represent yourself better.

10. What development activity can you start on now that would be beneficial for me and applying for a position or Job?

Continue furthering your education, Start a resume now so you can fine tune it and have others review it. Have your finances in order and written out so you can have an idea of what pay range you need to be in. Get familiar with USAJOBs website.

Person 2

Interview Questions for Professional Development Plan

The following five questions are a starting point for your Professional Development Plan interview. Please ask these five questions then develop at least five more questions regarding your chosen profession/position/job that you will ask when you conduct your interview with a person who has knowledge of your chosen profession/position/job.


1.Can you please provide to me an overall description of (chosen profession/position/Job).

A. I am the Senior Assignment Manager for approximately 8,142 11C Infantry branch in the rank of Sergeant, responsible for worldwide distribution and strengths of 28 Brigade Combat Teams supporting personnel management, operations, monitors authorizations, distribution, strengths, professional development and assignments pertaining to military personnel

2. What would you consider the major responsibilities of this (chosen profession/position/Job)?

A. I am responsible for all areas of planning, operations, personnel management, and mobilization; providing expert organizational leadership to superiors and subordinates on policies, programs and procedures. Reviews, analyzes and interprets regulations, directives, and reports pertinent to military personnel.

3. What would you consider the greatest challenge of this (chosen profession/position/Job)?

A. when managing military personnel actions to include job classification and operational assignments. Ability to analyze facts, identify problems, report findings, and make conclusions, and recommends corrective or other appropriate actions.

4. What are the specific skills or competencies needed for this (chosen profession/position/Job)?

A. the ability to establish and maintain effective relationships with and gain the cooperation of supervisors, managers, and office staff on variety of complex issues. Develops recommendations that would modify the way the command conducts programs. Produces accurate and timely guidance to requests for information received from various agencies

5. What would you consider the key factor for success in the (chosen profession/position/Job)?

A. Keeping unit commanders, public officials, employers and similar key players abreast of the program, and in particular, of the policies, procedures, trends, and problems pertaining to the program.

6. Is there room for promotion? On average how long would it take?

A. There is no room for promotion in this Branch

7. What are the Technology requirements needed for (chosen profession/position/Job)?

A. The ability to analyze facts, identify problems, report findings, and make conclusions, and recommends corrective or other appropriate actions. Exhibits extensive research and analysis supporting force structure management, force modernization, force costing, manpower, equipment management, and information management

8. If you had another job outside of your current job, what would you say are the advantages or dis-advantages of either job?

A. I t all depends on the other job

9. When interviewing for a newly posted job what suggestions do you have?

A. Interview with confidence

10. What development activity can you start on now that would be beneficial for me and applying for a position or Job?

A. Human Recourses classes!

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