Professional Custom Accounting Papers: 1.     Overview of your Curriculum Ideology Chart/Graph (what were the overarching ideologies you aligned with, give an outline for what you’ll address in the paper).

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: 1.     Overview of your Curriculum Ideology Chart/Graph (what were the overarching ideologies you aligned with, give an outline for what you’ll address in the paper).

Five to seven-page (double-spaced) paper must address the curriculum ideologies based on Schiro curriculum ideologies.

There will be three sections to the paper:

1.     Overview of your Curriculum Ideology Chart/Graph (what were the overarching ideologies you aligned with, give an outline for what you’ll address in the paper).

2.     Curriculum Ideologies and Personal Experiences (contextualize the specifics of your graph and tell me what you believe about curriculum and instruction with respect to what/why/how children should learn what they learn in school)

3.     Curriculum Ideologies Evolution (describe or predict how these ideologies might change over time. What would be the purpose of an evolving curriculum ideology?)

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