Professional Custom Accounting Papers: · How do you see yourself engaging in a lifetime of learning about this issue?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: · How do you see yourself engaging in a lifetime of learning about this issue?

Learning and Future Application

 In this paper, briefly summarize and restate the main point of your essay. Then address your plans for future learning and application of conflict management and/or persuasion skills.

Here are some questions to keep in mind:

· How have your perspectives changed with regard to conflict management and/or persuasion? What has changed? What hasn’t changed?

· How do you assess your learning in the class?

· How do you see yourself engaging in a lifetime of learning about this issue?

Your Portfolio Project paper should be 10-12 pages in length, well written and organized, and formatted according to the  CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements .

Support your analysis with references from 4-6 credible sources other than assigned readings. The CSU-Global Library is an excellent place to search for sources. Be sure to cite all sources used in your paper in-text and in a References list at the end.

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