Professional Custom Accounting Papers: · Determine two aspects of global economic, demographic, and diversity trends that have affected health care human resources management.

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: · Determine two aspects of global economic, demographic, and diversity trends that have affected health care human resources management.

Current Trends in Health Care” Please respond to the following:

· Determine two aspects of global economic, demographic, and diversity trends that have affected health care human resources management.

Provide examples to support your rationale.

· Analyze key trends in health care and determine two factors that cause these trends to affect human resource managers and employees. Provide specific examples to support your rationale.

1b. “Legal Framework”  Please respond to the following

· Evaluate key features of Title VII, Equal Pay Act, American Disabilities Act, Family Medical Leave Act, and Health Insurance Portability and Affordability Act in terms of their effects on the Human Health care Management field.

· Predict the next legislative act that you believe will have the greatest impact on HR, managers, and employees. Justify your answer accordingly.

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