Professional Custom Accounting Papers: · Compared to others, does your financial institution offer a wide array of products and services or are they lacking?

Professional Custom Accounting Papers: · Compared to others, does your financial institution offer a wide array of products and services or are they lacking?


Module 2: Total 100 points

· 10 Things to look for in Your Financial Institution 50 points

· Analyzing your Financial Institution 20 points

· Looking Ahead 30Points

10 Things to look for in Your Financial Institution

Who can you trust with your money? How will they treat you? Being able to have quick and easy access to your hard-earned money is very important. With so many financial institutions competing for your business, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. This assignment will walk you through several characteristics that you should look for in a financial institution.

Step1 :

Analyze your current financial institution, by filling in the chart below

Characteristic* Explanation of Ranking Your Current Financial Institution (FILL IN NAME OF YOURS HERE)
Read the article, 10 Things to Look for in a Bank, and use the table below to put each characteristic in order of what is most important to you (1 = most important, 10 = least important).

*Please list the actual characteristic, not the number of it in the article. For example, write “Customer Service,” not “#4”

Within each, explain why you ranked it where you did. Be sure to write your explanations as they relate to you and your situation, not to someone in general.

(50-100 words per characteristic)

Research your current financial institution to determine how it does on each of the 10 characteristics.

· What additional products and services does your financial institution offer?

· Compared to others, does your financial institution offer a wide array of products and services or are they lacking?

· Does it offer the products and services that you need for our personal situation?

(50-100 words per characteristic)

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