Professional Custom Accounting: Major Battles of the Persian Wars in order and descriptive

Professional Custom Accounting: Major Battles of the Persian Wars in order and descriptive

  1. Paper on a major war of the time-period between 1100 B.C.E. and 1648 C.E.
  • Length: 5-7 pages
  • Typed
  • Double spaced
  • 12 Point Times New Roman Font
  • Turabian/Chicago Style
  • Cover sheet with name and course number
  • You will research a major topic of the time between 1100 B.C.E. and 1648 C.E. You MUST use a MINIMUM of 3 sources, ONE of which MUST be a PRIMARY SOURCE!!! A bibliography must be attached. All information must be paraphrased, unless you are using a direct quote, which must be indicated with footnotes. COPYING INFORMATION DIRECTLY, WITHOUT GIVING DUE CREDIT, IS PLAGERISM!

War : Persian Wars

must include :

-Causes of Persian War

– Major Battles of the Persian Wars in order and descriptive

– Treaty

– Results of the Persian War , Why was this essential to history  , What did this mean

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