Professional Custom Accounting: Liberty Rhetoric and Nineteenth-Century American Women”

Professional Custom Accounting: Liberty Rhetoric and Nineteenth-Century American Women”

History 11 United States History to 1865: Week FiveModule: Assignment “You Are the Historian!” Using Primary Sources for Women’s History

“Liberty Rhetoric and Nineteenth-Century American Women”

Beginning with the American Revolution images such as this woodcut became very popular as a symbol of the role women had played in helping to bring about and carry out the American Revolution. It also served as a tool to show that women, too, had earned liberty. By the 1840s, the quest for a share in that liberty (interpreted also as equality and citizen’s rights under the Constitution) became the foundation of the first women’s the nation’s history. In 1848 women documented these beliefs, ideas, and demands in their own declaration of independence, The Declaration of Sentiments.

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