Professional Custom Accounting: Indicate how soiled dishes and utensils will be handled (cleared by servers; self-bussing, etc.)

Professional Custom Accounting: Indicate how soiled dishes and utensils will be handled (cleared by servers; self-bussing, etc.)

  • List the days and hours of operation or explain any variation from the traditional model
  • Determine approximate number of employees; total and by job role
  • Determine the capacity (number of seats) and justify your decision based on expected seat turnover rates
  • Indicate whether there will be a bar (and its capacity) and explain decision
  • Describe the mode of service
  • Discuss planned production approaches (cook to order, scratch versus convenience foods)
  • Determine if baking will be performed on-site and assess needs if so
  • Indicate how soiled dishes and utensils will be handled (cleared by servers; self-bussing, etc.)
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