Professional Custom Accounting: .Identify which ethical principles apply to the debate surrounding people with intellectual disabilities raising children.

Professional Custom Accounting: .Identify which ethical principles apply to the debate surrounding people with intellectual disabilities raising children.

Compare historical trends related to people with disabilities, describing how far we have come, and what issues need to be addressed (such as terminology, acceptance, and support). Describe how laws such as the ADA and the IDEA influence these decisions related to people with intellectual disabilities raising children.Identify which ethical principles apply to the debate surrounding people with intellectual disabilities raising children. Synthesize research from readings and at least two peer-reviewed research articles to develop arguments for and against parents with intellectual disabilities raising children, considering the perspectives of the parents as well as the children. Describe supports or interventions recommended for: The family Within the community The school Discuss the ability to generalize this debate to other exceptionalities. Review current thinking for and against people with exceptionalities raising children, based on the sources utilized.Writing Standards Organization (12) Usage and mechanics (12) APA elements (16) Style (4)44Total:196

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