Professional Custom Accounting: Identify three laws that indicate equality among all people, and three laws that indicate injustice

 Professional Custom Accounting: Identify three laws that indicate equality among all people, and three laws that indicate injustice

What aspects of the Venus of Willendorf suggest a focus on fertility? What conclusions can be drawn from the fact that thousands of these Paleolithic hand-sized figures were found, and almost all of them so far have been female? While this figurine was initially named “Venus” of Willendorf, modern scholars tend to use the term “Woman of Willendorf.” Why is that, and do you agree with their reasoning?

 One of this week’s significant works is the Law Code of Hammurabi, the king of Babylon from 1792-1750 BCE. f the laws included on this stele. Identify three laws that indicate equality among all people, and three laws that indicate injustice, specifically toward women. Which do you think is the best law, and which is the worst, based on this examples of the laws you see here? Explain your answers.

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