Professional Custom Accounting: Identify the short- and long-term outcomes that you think would represent an improved condition. 

Professional Custom Accounting: Identify the short- and long-term outcomes that you think would represent an improved condition.

To prepare for this Discussion, imagine that you are part of a work group charged with creating a logic model and generating a theory of change. Select a practitioner-level intervention for which you are interested in analyzing connections. Consider how a logic model might be applied to that practice.

· Post a logic model and theory of change for a practitioner-level intervention. 

· Describe the types of problems, the client needs, and the underlying causes of problems and unmet needs. 

· Identify the short- and long-term outcomes that you think would represent an improved condition. 

· Then describe interventions that would lead to a change in the presenting conditions.

Be sure to search for and cite resources that inform your views.

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