Professional Custom Accounting: Identify at least one ethical dilemma encountered by the character as well as one example of the character behaving unethically

Professional Custom Accounting: Identify at least one ethical dilemma encountered by the character as well as one example of the character behaving unethically

  • Describe the character and the character’s role in the television show or film. Cite the source (include the citation of the show or film).
  • Evaluate the credibility of the character portraying the psychology professional (job title, credentials, level of experience, etc.).
  • If information on credibility is not clearly provided, identify the character’s role (psychologist, counselor, etc.) and describe the likely level of education, type of licensure, and estimated number of years of experience. Does the character seem well trained, professional, and experienced?
  • Do you have any concerns regarding the ethical behavior of the character? Be sure to cover the following:
    • Identify at least one ethical dilemma encountered by the character as well as one example of the character behaving unethically in the episode or film.
    • Either discuss how the character made the right ethical choice or describe the ethical behavior the character should have demonstrated.
    • Provide the relevant ethics code or standard in quotation marks from the readings.
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