Professional Custom Accounting:  How strong of a role does class seem to play in peoples’ political and social identities?

Professional Custom Accounting:  How strong of a role does class seem to play in peoples’ political and social identities?

One of the key assumptions of Marxist thought is that economic class is the most significant form of division within society.  All other divisions or distinctions (e.g. race, gender, age, religion) are false, or of secondary importance.

Does this assumption seem applicable to contemporary American society?  How strong of a role does class seem to play in peoples’ political and social identities?  Is class more or less effective of a means of political organization and mobilization than other significant factors (e.g. race, gender)?  If possible, provide some contemporary examples of instances where class interest / identity seems to be highly relevant or clearly irrelevant.

Discussion Grading Rubric

Quantity of Participation (20 points total)

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