Professional Custom Accounting:   How much responsibility does the US bear for not helping Stalin out when he requested $6 billion to help rebuild Russia?

Professional Custom Accounting:   How much responsibility does the US bear for not helping Stalin out when he requested $6 billion to help rebuild Russia?

Once there, go to Isolation and Ghettoization, which is on the LH side.  Click on that, and read the introduction.  Then go back, and from the selection of documents, look at the following 4 entries (none are very long):

1) Identification of Jews in the General government (pg. 1)

2) Eichmann Informs the Jews About Deporting Them From Austria and About the Theresienstadt Ghetto (pg. 3)

3) Order By Fischer on the Establishment of a Ghetto in Warsaw, Oct 2, 1940 (pg. 4)

Your question is this: What actions did the Nazi High Command take to alienate and isolate the Jews from their jobs and their communities? 

Also, consider the origins of the Cold War.  How much responsibility does the US bear for not helping Stalin out when he requested $6 billion to help rebuild Russia?  They had nothing to rebuild with, and our refusal to help forced the USSR to take reparations out of what became the Iron Curtain countries.

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