Professional Custom Accounting: How does the length of time between now and the Cambrian explosion compare with the length of time between now and the formation of the Earth?

Professional Custom Accounting: How does the length of time between now and the Cambrian explosion compare with the length of time between now and the formation of the Earth?

Remember, the human scale represents the number of seconds you would have to be counting to arrive at a given event. Most people consider the founding of the United States or the founding of Rome to have occurred a long time ago. How do these dates compare with the time between now and the first appearance of humans?

If human (pre)history began with the evolution of the first anatomically modem humans, how does this length of time compare with diversification of life forms marked by the Cambrian explosion?

How does the length of time between now and the Cambrian explosion compare with the length of time between now and the formation of the Earth?

Place humans within the perspective of Earth’s history? How does human history compare with Earth’s history? Can geologic time inform us about our own place in the world? Given that 99.9% of all species that have ever lived are now extinct, what might Earth’s history teach us about our own future?

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