Professional Custom Accounting: How does the concept of “preemption” apply to the current and proposed regulatory schemes for drones?

Professional Custom Accounting: How does the concept of “preemption” apply to the current and proposed regulatory schemes for drones?

Jason Snead and John-Michael Seibler, “Cooperative Federalism and Low-Altitude Drone Operations,” Heritage Foundation (Dec. 15, 2017)

  1. What is the threshold for state and local authority versus federal authority of drone regulation under current law? What would the threshold be under the proposed Drone Federalism Act? Under the proposed law, why does the federal government get to regulate above a certain level?
  2. How does the concept of “preemption” apply to the current and proposed regulatory schemes for drones?
  3. What authority do the authors cite as supporting the idea of property rights and state/local-level regulatory authority outside of federal reach?
  4. What is the debate about?
  5. What is the “police power”?
  6. What are the arguments in favor of a state role in regulating drones? What favor a federal role?
  7. What is the argument the authors make for cooperative federalism?
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