Professional Custom Accounting: . Given the identified core developmental themes reflected in the program, where on the continuum of each would the current program lie and why?

Professional Custom Accounting: . Given the identified core developmental themes reflected in the program, where on the continuum of each would the current program lie and why?

Program Evaluation A. Analyze the selected program with regard to the core developmental psychology themes (nature vs. nurture, continuity vs. discontinuity, and stability vs. change).

[PSY-632-01] i. Which of the core developmental themes in psychology are reflected in the selected program? Explain.

ii. Given the identified core developmental themes reflected in the program, where on the continuum of each would the current program lie and why?

B. Evaluate the selected program for the use of contemporary theories of development for key factors that impact child and adolescent development with regard to prevention, assessment, and intervention strategies. Be sure to provide justification for your reasoning. [PSY-632- 02]

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